NDIS Accommodation Service from Esprit Care
Everyone – including people with disabilities – has the right to feel safe, independent, and secure. Having a stable home helps a person feel empowered and prepared to seize the day. With NDIS Accommodation Service, this is now possible for you too.
Disability Accommodation Help from NDIS
Supported accommodation is divided into two unique parts under the NDIS:
- Specialized housing like community residential units or shared supported accommodation, also known as Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
- Supported services called Supported Independent Living (SIL)
SDA providers differ from SIL providers. NDIA made this distinction to improve the participant’s choices and control. You can change an accommodation or support provider without needing to change another.
You will still have access to SIL Support even if you don’t have SDA in your plan. However, you must have private accommodation. You may live at home alone, with your family, or with another person.
Your NDIS planner is responsible for identifying if you need SIL, SDA, or both.
Applying for Disability Accommodation Help Melbourne
The first step is to get in touch with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). They are the main agency tasked to administer the NDIS.
An NDIS planner will help you build a personalized plan, but you need to make sure that the NDIS plan includes the SDA.
Find Disability Housing with Esprit Care
Our team in Esprit Care knows how important it is to have decent and comfortable accommodation. Therefore, we are committed to helping our participants in finding accommodation that enhances their lifestyle.
Not only should the accommodation address your specific needs, but you must not feel isolated as well. As such, we’ll look for a residence where you can also connect to your family, friends, and the community.
We all have our own definition of “home”. It’s important that the place we find is something you are at peace with, on your terms. After all, you deserve to have a place that can support both your needs and wants. May it be a shared house, group home, or apartment, we will be behind you throughout the process.
Our excellent team of disability support managers will help you to:
- Actively participate in finding the most suitable living arrangements
- Connect and adapt to your new surrounding community
- Keep in touch with your friends, family, and other significant people in your life
- Meet new people and build friendships
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Improve skills that you already have and achieve new skills
- Look for activities that will improve your lifestyle. This includes signing up on a sports team, gym, or music and dance classes.
Esprit Care will help you live life to the fullest
Esprit Care has a group of dedicated professionals to give you personalized NDIS advice. Whether you’re just exploring options or seriously looking for your next home, we are here to help.