Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NDIA?
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent agency responsible for implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you’re eligible for the NDIS, the NDIA will work with you and your family to help you identify the supports you need to live your life and achieve your goals.
I’m over 65. Can I access the NDIS?
No. If you’re over 65, you can’t access the NDIS – but that doesn’t mean you won’t receive support. If you’re aged 65 or over and are currently receiving disability supports, you’ll continue to receive the same level of support as before, just not through the NDIS.
Who controls my NDIS funds? You do!
Your NDIS plan will tell you how much funding you will receive for each support but it’s your decision how funds are managed. You can choose to manage your funds yourself or nominate the NDIS, a registered provider or someone else you trust to do it for you. With the NDIS you’ll always retain control over how, when and where your supports are provided.
Will I get more funding under the NDIS?
Under the NDIS the focus is not on the amount of dollars you receive but on making sure you receive the supports you need to help you achieve your goals.
What is an NDIS service agreement?
An NDIS service agreement is a legal agreement between you and your service provider/s which outlines the support that will be provided for you under the NDIS. It describes how and when the support will be provided, as well as the costs and the fees you need to pay.